
Friday, August 19, 2011

One of a Kind Onesies

Keegan is growing so ridiculously fast these days, i am almost certain that he woke up at least an inch taller today. Anyway, since Bill and I chose not to find out the sex of our little one when we were pregnant we got a lot of green, yellow and white onesies. Since my sewing machine is fixed and Keegan took an extra long nap this morning i decided to turn some of his plain white onesies into one of a kind onesies.

I got the idea from Karen over at Celebrate Life. She made some of the best one of a kind onesies I have ever seen for my baby shower! Cute isn't it?!

This project is awesome for baby show gifts, or for sewing Mommies who choose not to find out the sex of the baby until they arrive. This project can be as simple or as complex as you want. For the first one I went the simple route and just appliqued the little car on. Then i got a little bit outside my box and made one with a hot-air balloon on it for a gal who had a girl around the time Keegan was born. It is my favorite! It turned out so cute but i wont post a photo until she receives it.  (:

By the way Keegan has found his feet and is mesmerized with them! 


  1. Aww, that is such a cute picture of him! I love it! He is getting so big! The onesie is adorable too!
