
Sunday, November 25, 2012

Scarf Swap

A few weeks ago my dear friend Karen over at Celebrate Life With Us hosted a scarf swap and I thought it would be fun so I joined in. Here's how it worked I contacted Karen and told her I would LOVE to be a part of her swap, I answered a few questions about scarves and Karen partnered me with my new friend Beth. We exchanged addresses and then I went on a search for the perfect scarf. Meanwhile Beth did the same for me!

She sent me this beauty which I beyond perfect for my Florida winter. She also sent me Pumpkin Caramel coffee and pumpkin candles. Somehow she knows me so well!

Thank you so much Beth for my wonderful treats! Every time I wear my scarf ill be thinking and praying for you.


  1. Love Beth.... Love you... Perfect match :)

  2. This sounds so cool (:

  3. I'm so glad you liked it! I am in the States visiting right now but I'm excited to open my package from you when I get back to England!
