
Sunday, January 29, 2012

Pool Party Baby

The Mr. and I are Florida kids. We love summer, flip flops and of course swimming. The best part of being a Florida kid is that we get to enjoy these things 98% of the time! Today we went to a pool party and Keegan loved the pool unlike the last attempt. I see swimming lessons in our future. 

I am so thankful to be in Florida right now so we can enjoy the pool in the middle of winter!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

A New Discovery

Keegan has discovers his love for animals... Especially gigantic slobbery dogs! It is absolulty hysterical to watch him crawl as fast as he can toward them usually resulting in them running away. When he finally gets to touch them his high pitched squeal and giggle is like music to my ears.
Although I am not a dog person in glad my little one enjoys then so much....Now we just have to teach him to be gentle.

Thats My Boy!

I have a serious love for lemon.... And so does Keegan! I'm not sure why we thought to give it to him but he really enjoyed it and used it as a teething ring.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Hi-Ho Hi-Ho...

It's off to work we go! The Mr. and I both start our new jobs tomorrow. I will be back in a salon and Bill will be working at Lowe's. One of the reasons we came back to the States was to spend time with family and to work on student loans. God has provided jobs for us! We are excited to see what God has in store for us while we are here but our hearts are over seas and we are hoping to return soon!

Saturday, January 21, 2012


My sweet little baby is not so little anymore. 17 pounds 25 inches long... And pure trouble! He moves so quickly now and he is starting to pull up and stand on his own. He follows us into different rooms and goes off on his own to play. And by play obviously I mean take all his toys out of the basket as quickly as he possibly can. I love his little mischievous personality. He's just his Daddy. (;

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Moving back to the states was bittersweet for us. But today we experienced the sweetest thing do far. My niece was born and we got to be there moments after she made her debut! She is a beautiful 8lb 20in long healthy baby. She has not been named yet which makes me giggle since it took us several days to decide on Keegan's name. Now this baby is special to me not only because my favorite job in the world is being "T" (what my nephew calls me) or Imo ("ee-mo" what my sweet Charlotte calls me ).This baby is extra special because her momma has been my dear friend since we were five. Twenty years of, graduations, marriages, kids, and everything else we have been friends. Congratulations James and Beky!

Does anyone else LOVE being an aunt as much as I do?

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

All I Want for Christmas..

This Christmas was very special. Not only did we celebrate the birth of Christ, we got to celebrate with our family, and that's not all! said in the infomercial voice Keegan got his first tooth! Keegan had been a big drolly mess for about a week and his Uncle Jimmy said within a few days that tooth will be out and sure enough it happened. We saw it coming Christmas eve and Christmas morning it was there!