
Sunday, July 24, 2011

What a weekend...

This weekend will go down in the books as one of the biggest learning experiences our little family has had yet.

One of the experiences we had this weekend was making Keegan take naps.... Not so awesome to do with a kiddo who thinks that when the sun is up he needs to be too. He sleeps great no more then great at night from 7-9 hours. But when he is only getting 7-9 of the 16 recommended we need to start getting naps in here somewhere. Let's just say we are all still learning with this one.

Another experience we had this weekend happened with me... I blacked out for 2 seconds and ended up bashing my face on the ground! We are still not sure why I blacked out but I have crazy bruises all over my face. I am not gonna post a picture because its not pretty. Nothing is broken but needless to say my face hurts ha! (please be praying we find out why this happened/ it never happens again)  I am praising God because my sweet hubby was home (and holding Keegan at that moment) and that Marla came to my rescue once again!

The biggest lesson I learned was to NEVER leave my house without a hair tie again... It is NOT OK to have my hair down for more then 10 minutes out in the Korean summer heat.

Even in this craziness I am praising God for teaching us... And the ability to laugh at myself when looking in the mirror (:


  1. Awe poor Anna! We are praying for you guys. And that little boy is the cutest!

  2. Hey Anna, I don't want to make little of your blacking out, but maybe this will encourage you. After I had Emma I thought that my body recovered really quickly. But then I would go to Seoul for the day or do something else a bit strenuous and I would start to feel light-headed and like I could pass out. I specifically remember it happening 4-6 weeks after birth. I know you're past that now, but maybe it could be the same thing??? Actually, I JUST NOW, at 4 months, finally feel that all the hormones are finally out and I have my body back (minus the remaining bulge in my belly) ha!
